Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sunset on 2013

We are not big party people-at least not anymore, so we are home this evening. It was a laid back Tuesday with nothing on the agenda but a movie: The Desolation of Smaug. If I had one critique of this movie, it would be that they turned a single book, The Hobbit, into three [very long] movies. That should be against the rules...one book, one movie. The movie aside, I wish a safe new year holiday and a happy new year. 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Poppies #3

The weather is gloomy today so I decided to finish some poppy paintings that I started just before Christmas. I sketched them out on left over paper from the cards I made. They are approximately 4"x5". I completed two in watercolor and two using acrylics. In the acrylic studies, I used tissue paper to add texture to the flowers. 

Note: I used a nude color of paper because that was all I had. Next time I need to use white paper so the colors will be cleaner. 

The water colors are on the right, the acrylics are on the right. 

Saturday, December 07, 2013

Marshmallow Wreath - Cube Decorating Contest

I made a wreath using marshmallows and gum drops. I bought my supplies at the $ store with the exception of. The foam wreath. I used craft glue to secure all the marshmallows. That took a couple of days because it has been so humid here. After it was dry, I drilled holes for the gun drops. (The foam was too hard to pierce with toothpicks.)
Sorry for the grainy photo. I shot it with the iPad. 

Lollypop Forest Complete

I put the Lollypop forest together so I could work out any problems before I drag it to the office. For the base I used the top of a paper box. I drilled some holes in the top and stuck in the lollies. They were wobbly so I hot glued some foam core on the inside. This added about 3/4" to stabilize the larger pieces. Some of the holes were too large so I compensated with toothpicks.

I covered the base with "snow". I think it looks pretty good. Now I I have to take it all apart :-( to transport it. 