Day 2, September 11: Today was a work day, so we did not get to do any exploring until after work. We did decide that we were going to Central Park, the Rose Center, and Serendipity 3 for dinner.

We took the subway to Central Park West.We stopped at the Dakota and Strawberry Fields to pay homage to John Lennon. Of course we got the requisite photos. I sent my poem to John via a burning candle. Quite corny actually, but it made me feel good. I hope he liked it.
Then we headed to the Rose Center. You know how when you look at things on the map they don’t really look that far…? When in NY the blocks are short one way and long the other way…it seems we were always walking the long way. I had a blister the size of a quarter on my heel and it was giving me a lot of trouble. But I kept moving forward.

After the Rose Center, we decided it was time to eat some dinner, so we started our trek to Serendipity. Of course the walk was longer than we anticipated. We had to walk from the west side to the east side. My dogs were howling. My compadres suggested another restaurant, but I was not going to let my sore feet be the reason we did not make it to a restaurant in which they wanted to eat.

Now Serendipity has been around for a long time and is famous for desserts. The rich and famous bring their children here; however on this day we saw neither the rich nor the famous. We finally got the timing right and only had to wait about 10 minutes for a table.
What we did get was the best sandwich north of the Mason-Dixon line. I had A Summer Bries. Rye bread, turkey, and melted brie. I have never had brie before and I am now a fan. It is wonderful. If you have never tried you really must. There was some kind of sauce on it also, but I can’t remember. Food always tastes so good when you have earned it. But what we really came here for was the Frozen Hot Chocolate. And it really was worth every penny we paid for it. I highly recommend both the sandwich and the dessert.

We decided to hail a cab back to the hotel because I refused to walk back to the subway station. It may have taken a little longer, but the price would have been about the same and I was finally sitting down.
Breakfast: Green Beans, apple from the front desk
Lunch: In the Office
Dinner: Serendipity
Dessert: Frozen Hot Chocolate
Shopping: None
Entertainment: Pooping the blisters on my feet
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