... and not just for the company. We finished our session early today so I had some time to burn. I went back to Wheeler Wildlife Refuge to see if I could get some more shots.

I walked a short trail to get some exercise after sitting all day. I got a few good shots. I haven't had a chance to look at them yet.
The trail was covered with the fern-like leaves of the cypress trees . . .

After that I headed for the mall. They actually have a pretty nice mall here. Prices were pretty good too. That's what I meant about travel being expensive. See, last week I was overdressed for the group. This week I was under dressed for the group so I thought I could find something to wear that was more appropriate.

I found a great skirt for like $12 and a pair of gauchos for $10. I found a couple of great shirts at another store. So I got some more exercise and so did my wallet. At least I will feel more comfortable in the meeting tomorrow.
My cold is almost gone. Still coughing some, but not too bad. I will be glad to get home. I just want to crawl into my bed and stay there. At least Saturday and Sunday. Read, sleep, and watch movies. Tom will be hunting, so I will have the whole house to myself.
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