Friday, February 27, 2009
Little Inhabitant
I managed to get a few shots today when I was out for lunch. Just a few minutes before I stopped, I hit the brakes and the camera flew to the floor. I was worried I damaged it. I would have been really p-o'd.
This little guy was at lunch too.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
A New Truck
I finally talked TOM into a new (used) truck. Let me tell you, it was really a tuff sell. He really hates spending any money these days. I have been working on him for about 6 months. But today, the deal is sealed.
We have been actively searching for about 2 weeks. Let me tell you, if you are looking for a used truck and you find one you like you better move on it fast. We lost out on one because we moved to slow.

Taking me for my first ride

Sitting in the drive on day 1
First ride for Cricket
Note: Lady was in the bed of the truck too, but she wouldn't calm down for a photo.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Siblings
The last of the feline peeps are Goldie and Squirrel. They are brother and sister. Another brother, Ed, has been missing since last 4th of July. We miss him. Goldie likes to snuggle, but does not like to be held. She is a sweet girl. Goldie and Ed were twins.
We also owned their mother, Magic, who just wandered into our lives one day. And four years later she wandered out. She still lives in the neighborhood and stops by to visit once in a while.
Squirrel is a total tom cat. Lazy and amiable, although he looks a little grumpy in this photo. He did not like the camera flash.
As a final memorial to all the animals that have passed through our lives and not mentioned in previous posts. Felines: Snowball, Simba, Wednesday, Rags, and Gizmo. Guinea pigs: Winnie and Fatso. And finally, the best dog ever: Nova.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
This Cricket Doesn't Chirp
This is my Cricket. She came to live with us the first spring in our current home. It was raining and she was hiding in the culvert that runs under the driveway. She was only a couple of months old and I thought she was the cutest dog ever. Our older dog, Nova, needed a playmate and we were done moving. We decided to keep her.
It took a few days for us to name her. I finally selected Cricket when I saw her jump straight up (and she responded to it). It was almost as if she was telling me she liked that name.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Is the Lady of the House Home
We got Lady about eight years ago. My youngest son (is there pattern here) was doing some volunteer at a local animal shelter. Lady had been brought to the shelter earlier that week, she had been found wandering down the middle of the street. She was very dehydrated and I think she suffered some brain damage. She loves to play catch tho. She's a good girl and I am glad (most of the time) that the boys talked me into bringing her home.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
My Peeps
I live with a lot of people. They do not all walk upright on two legs, but they each have their own unique personality and add to the richness of my life. Today I would like to introduce you to Kat. She is the youngest member of our family (she actually belongs to my youngest son). She followed him home three years ago and has been with us ever since.
I am probably more a cat person than a dog person. They are independant and not as 'needy' as dogs. Kind of like me : )
Ahyhoo, this is Kat. As you can see, she likes to read.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Roadside Memorials (8)
I went for a short drive yesterday and found this memorial. I am not very happy of any of the shots. Guess I will have to go back and try again : )
The family had recently placed Valentine on the site. Additionally, there was two angels, pin wheels, and balloons.
Christian Brooks Webb
3/31/1993 - 5/9/2007
Photo Taken: 2/20/2009
Location: Lee Road 246, Lee County, AL
Friday, February 20, 2009
Camera Practice
Because it has been sooo cold and windy I haven't been able to go outside and use the new camera. So, I have to take pictures of stuff in the house. I am almost to the point of photographing the pilates reformer and the treadmill. I guess I could shoot the animals, but I have done that so many times already that's it's not new anymore.
Anyhoo, I started snapping my jewelry frame and this is what came out of the camera:
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tent City
I went out for a walk by the river today at lunch. The sun was shining and the sky was blue. A great opportunity to get some pratice with that new camera : )
As I was heading back to the campus I looked down and saw a small tent city. I saw only one inhabitant, but there was three tents, a clothes line, and a bike. In a less than desireable situation, people are surviving. They were making the best of it. They have a place to live and food to eat and transportation. They have proved that people are resilient and can overcome adversity.
I hope some day, they can come in from the tent.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The No Name Post
Been kind of in the dumps the last few days. Not sure the cause, I just know that I am not motivated to do anything, except blog, watch movies, read, and take snaps. Maybe it's because my oldest son is turning 30 this week. I don't freak out when I have another birthday, so why should I freak out about him having another birthday? Anyhoo, we had a b-day celebration for him today ... surf and turf, cake, and ice cream.
I have been spending a lot of time with my camera lately. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I guess in some respects it's a good thing, it doesn't talk back, it doesn't ask questions, it doesn't get bored while I take pictures, it doesn't care how long we're out. The camera represents an escape from the mundane; the daily grind. Go to work, come home routine.
I am excited about one thing this week ... I purchased a new camera. A Nikon D80. I was looking at the D90, but had a hard time talking myself into spending $1300 for a camera. Anyhoo, it should be delivered by Wednesday. That will give me plenty of time to get comfortable with it before we go on vacation in May.
Speaking of vacation, I have to finish making our hotel reservations. We are booked at Curry Village while we are at Yosemite. I have to make a reservation for SF, as well as get tickets for Alcatraz.
Because I seem to be all over the map in this post today, let me include a snap that has absolutely nothing to do with anything I have written here today. This snap was taken on our sculpture walk a week ago. I guess it actually does fit the post, at least the first part.
Apron Strings
Sandra Graves
Thursday, February 12, 2009
P.S. I Love You . . .
I noticed on my way to work the other day that a couple of the memorials I snapped previously had been decorated for Valentines Day.
To view the first photos, click here.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Street Sculpture
Friday, February 06, 2009
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Roadside Memorials (7)
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