As I sit here waiting for TOM to get home from a week on the road, I decided I would revisit junior high, that's what we called it in the '70's, now they call it middle school. Anyway, I went to Fred Moore Junior High in Anoka, MN. Prior to that is was the high school from which my mom graduated in the '50's. It looks the same except for the electric sign out front. Hans Bakery is still open next door. Unfortunately, Hans is the reason for my first diet. My father still goes there every morning for a cup of coffee and a donut before work .
The Tornadoes still play football in the stadium out back. The home team fans still sit on the right side of the field as you enter the gate. Looks like it might even have a fresh coat of paint. I played flute in the marching band, but for some reason when I hit high school, I did not pursue a position in the football band. I guess it was because I was dating and working by that time. At one point, I really coveted that letter jacket. I so remember the cool, often cold, Friday nights at the game. There to see friends more than watch football. Pizza and beer after (or maybe a field kegger to go to), oh that was when I was in High School.
The building was dated even then. There was no air conditioning, no elevator, no pool. We did have windows (the new high school looked like a prison). I remember trudging up the stairs to class on the third floor carrying at least 15 pounds of books because we didn't have time to run to our lockers between classes (so why did I need to diet)? Book bags, on wheels...I don't think so. Kids today don't know how great they have it. This is my version of having to walk 5 miles to school in the 3 feet of snow :)
The last time I was at this school, before taking these photos, was my graduation from high school in 1977. I marched off that field and never looked back.
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