Sunday, December 09, 2012

Crowded Streets and Canals

This is the first alley we had to navigate on our way to our hotel. As you see, navigation is not only complicated by twists and turns and bridges and canals, you must add people to the mix. And there are plenty of people in Venice. We arrived early in the day on Wednesday and at each intersection we had to stop and orient ourselves to the map, find our exact location on the corner of a building, and proceed hoping that we were heading in the right direction. On Saturday and Sunday you can easily double the number of people on the streets. This was a Friday afternoon.
Bridge of Sighs - Connects the Doges Palace to the Prison
One thing that I found endlessly fascinating was that no matter which direction you went, you miraculously ended back at your starting point. I cannot count the number of times in which I thought I had walked miles from the hotel to find that I had circled back and never saw that same shop or street twice. 
Another interesting tidbit is that relatively few people live in Venice. As time passes, it is becoming a living history museum. Workers travel from the mainland to work because it is very expensive. I can certainly agree with that based on the amount of money we spent for our room and restaurants each day. 

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