Friday, October 21, 2011

Somewhere on the Cali Coast

I like lighthouses. Not really sure why, maybe because they speak to travelers at sea and I have always had a bit of wanderlust. For drawing practice today, I picked this calendar photo because it had a lighthouse and I thought it would be easy. I am not sure how long it took me, a couple of hours at least. I started it at work, but finished it later at home. I would like to show these 'projects' to my teacher, but she is sooooo good at what she does it is a little intimidating to think about sharing my work with her. I mean she would say nice teacher things, and maybe even offer a kind critique, but I don't know if I am ready for that yet.

1 comment:

Lowell said...

Art is so personal. I would hope your teacher would be able to treat you gently and praise your work while also giving you ideas for improvement.

Personally, I think there is much worthy of praise here. (I like lighthouses, also!). Your perspective is quite good. Your work with shadows is also quite good.

I'd be proud if I were you!